Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Denver 2011

The entire family flew to Denver to visit the rug rats.  We stayed at my brother's house for the first.  I think it went well.

She just posed like this on her own, what a ham!


Head lamp on a kid, brilliant idea.

Nose pickers unite!

Busy Summer

I've been away for so long for this blog.  I guess that's what happens when you're enjoying the summer.  Here's what I was doing with little detail.

Hippy Basket

I had a coupon, so I tried it out.  You get a lot of food for one person.

I went to a street festival and saw this random sculpture.  I think it is packing tape or clear wrap but I'm not sure.

I was in line for Hot Doug's when a Good humor truck pulled up.  So this is a picture of people waiting in line, waiting in a second line.

I have bangs!

Cousin comes to visit.  The only places we HAD to go to was Golden Nugget and Sprinkles.

Mom & Dad came in for my birthday.  We went to Summer Dance downtown.

A crowd of us went to an all-you-can eat Indian restaurant for my birthday, yummy.

So, as you can see I was busy in August.  Didn't get to workout much at all, I need to get back on the treadmill ASAP.